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Cash Flow Statement


Financial statements of an enterprise include an income statement, which shows the operating result, and a balance sheet, which shows the financial position. For the betterment of decision making additional statements are prepared to analyze the change in the financial position of the enterprise over the accounting period. These statements of change in the financial position include funds flow statement, cash flow statement and ratio analysis, etc. Cash is the blood of a business. Without sufficient cash, the business cannot run properly.

Cash flow is the flow of cash in an accounting year or over two dates of balance sheet. Cash flow statements show the inflows and outflows of cash from different business activities like operating, investing, and financing activities. It is the indicator of the amount of cash receipt and amount of cash payment or disbursement during an accounting period in different activities of an organization. It shows the causes of the increase or decrease in cash and net change in cash position during a particular period.

Cash flow is one of the compulsory financial statements that should be prepared with other financial statements. As per company act,2063, in the case of a public limited company, the cash flow statement must be prepared annually 30 days prior to the annual general meeting but in the case of a private limited company, it should be prepared within 60 days from the end of the accounting period.



The statement of cash flow statement provides information regarding inflows and outflows of cash of a firm for a period of one year. Therefore, the cash flow statement is important on the following grounds.

·     To identify the sources from where cash inflows have risen within in a particular period.

·     To show the various activities wherein the cash was utilized.

·     To plan cash in a systematic method and maintain a proper matching between cash inflows and outflows.

·     To show the efficiency of the firm in generating cash inflows from its regular operations.

·     To reports, the amount of cash used during the period in various long-term investing activities such as the purchase of fixed assets.

·     To reports, the amount of cash received during the period through various financing activities such as the issue of shares, debentures, and raising long-term loans.

·     To helps for appraisal of various capital investment programs to determine their profitability and viability.





Cash flow statement is based on the narrow concept of funds, which considers changes in cash.

It is based on the changes in working capital, which considers both the changes in cash as well as other components of current assets and current liabilities.

It is prepared on a cash basis.

It is prepared on an accrual basis.

It does not require the use of changes in net working capital because all the changes in assets and liabilities are summarized in cash flow statement.

It requires using a separate statement of changes in net working capital.

The preparation of cash flow statement considers only those transactions that are linked with flow of cash.

The preparation of funds flow statement considers those transactions that are linked with the flow of funds along with actual cash.

This statement is more useful in short-term analysis and cash planning.

This is more useful in long-term analysis of financial planning.




The cash flow statement is prepared by showing inflows and outflows of cash from major activities of a firm. The activities that result in cash inflows are referred to as a source of cash and the activities that result in cash flow outflow are referred to as uses of cash. The firm’s activities are classified into 3 categories. They are:

1.Cash flows from operating activities

2.Cash flows from investing activities

3.Cash flow from financing activities


Cash flow from operating activities

Operating activities refer to the day-to-day revenue-generating activities of a firm. These activities are considered to be the major sources of internally generated cash. Cash inflows from operating activities include the cash from sales and collection from debtors. Cash outflows for operating activities include cash purchase, payment of suppliers, payment for other operating expenses, payment for interest and taxes thus consist of all cash revenue expenses.


Cash flows from operating activities could be determined by using two methods. Direct and indirect method

1.Cash flow from operating activities under direct method

Under the direct method, only those items from income statement are selected that result in the actual flow of cash. So, non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortized amount appeared in the income statement are ignored. The change in some components of current assets and current liabilities except cash balance has also incorporated that result in cash inflows and outflows.

A.Cash sales and collection from debtors

It includes cash from sales and cash inflows or outflows resulted from a change in debtors and bills receivable.

B.Cash purchases and payment to suppliers

It includes cash inflow resulted from the purchase of raw materials or the cost of goods sold. The changes in creditors and bills payables of two balance sheet dates are adjusted to the amount of purchase of raw materials or the cost of goods sold.

C.Payment to employees and other operating expenses

It includes cash outflow resulted from payment of wages, salaries, manufacturing expenses, administrative expenses, selling and distribution expenses, including insurance and other operating expenses.

D.Payment for interest and taxes

It includes the cash outflow occurring out of payment of interest and taxes. The change in outstanding interest and taxes are also included.

E.Cash from extra-ordinary activities

It includes all the cash inflows and outflows arising on account of short-term investment and short-term financings such as short-term bank loans, bank overdraft, and marketable securities.


2.Cash flows from operating activities under indirect method

Under the indirect method first, the funds from the operation are ascertained by adjusting the net income by non-cash expenses and non-operating incomes and expenses included in the income statement. The funds from the operation so ascertained are again adjusted by the changes in current assets and the changes in current liabilities to determine cash flows from operating activities.

To apply this method all the amount of non-operating and non-cash expenses are added to the net income and then the amount of non-operating incomes are deducted. The resulting figure is known as funds from operation. The changes in current assets, other than cash, and the changes in current liabilities are adjusted to funds from the operation so that the resulting figure is known as cash from operating activities.


Cash flow from investing activities

Investing activities refer to those activities, which are concerned with the acquisition or sales of long-term assets or investment. Cash inflows from investing activities include the cash received from sales of fixed assets as well as investment and cash outflows include cash paid for the purchase of fixed assets and investment made.


Cash flow from financing activities

Financing activities are concerned with cash collection by issuing shares and debentures, raising long-term loans and so on. It also involves cash outflows in terms of redemption of debentures and preference shares, repurchase of shares, repayment of long-term loans and payment of cash dividend.

Cash Flow Statement Cash Flow Statement Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on March 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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