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Sources of Business Law || Short Note

A source means an origin or resources or cause or place from where law emanates. The term source of Nepalese business law denotes two meanings. Firstly the place or point from where the law begins and secondly the place from where the rules of business activities get legal authority. The main sources of business law are discussed below:


a) Custom and Usage:

The custom is known as a particular way of life or behavior. If such behavior is followed continuously by the people in the society, it becomes a customs or usages which are important sources of law. This type of custom should not oppose statutory law, mortality, and public welfare. If there is no legislation, no precedents the matter is to be decided by the custom or usage of that particular.


b) Statutes/ Legislation:

The legislative law comes from parliament or law-making body of the nation. This type of law is the outcome of the demand of people and the needs of the time. It is made after fulfilling a series of discussions by lawmakers. Nowadays most business activities are regulated by the law made by parliament.


c) Judicial Decision:

Judicial decisions are known as precedent. Precedent is a judicial decision which contains in itself a principle. In other words, it is the earlier decision of the supreme court which is taken as a rule while deciding the later cases. Where there is no law to deal with the problems in such cases the court can make decisions in the light of justice and equity such decisions are treated as law for that matter. It is one of the major sources of modern business law.


d) English Mercantile law:

Business law was developed in England. It is the pioneer of business law in the world. Nepal is conjoined influenced by the British rule since the year.


e) Professional Opinion of experts:

Lawyers and critics may play a significant role in creating a good legal environment. The opinion and explanation made by such professionals may give proper instruction and a better contribution to the development of law.


f) Business Agreement, Conventions:

Conventional law refers to any rule or system of rule agreed upon by the parties to regulate their business conduct. International business organizations are more active in national, region, and world business nowadays. Examples: ( WTO, SAFTA). And the bilateral agreement between the nations and conventions of business communities are the main sources of national and international business law.


Legal Environment

The legal environment of business refers to the aggregate of surrounding connected with the law that influences the business activities and business firms. It refers to the aggregate of all types of law, regulation. Acts and precedents intended to encourage, protect, guide the business activities. Such law is made and enforced by the state for the prosperity of every aspect of the business.


According to Prem R Panta " The legal environment refers to the framework of laws, regulation are court decision, intended to encourage, guide and control business activities.“

Sources of Business Law || Short Note  Sources of Business Law || Short Note Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on September 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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