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Quasi Contract || Short Note

Generally, the agreement, which fulfills certain essential elements is called a contract. But certain cases create a contract without any essential elements of a valid contract, it is called “quasi-contract’. In such a contract there is no meeting of mind, no offer, and acceptance, no free consent, no intention to create legal relation and even parties have no intention to enter into a contract. It comes into existence when one of the parties act activates the law. The parties of a quasi-contract, sometimes are unknown to each other however they have some rights and liabilities under some circumstance. Duty is more important and promise is less important in such a contract. NCA termed it an ‘ indirect contract. The basis of quasi-contract is the doctrine of unjust enrichment that is, a person shall not be allowed to enrich himself unjustly at the expense of another.

Quasi Contract || Short Note Quasi Contract || Short Note Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on September 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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