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Finder of Lost Goods | Right and Duties || Short Note

Define the finder of lost goods and write the right and duties of the finder.

The finder of lost goods is the person who finds and keeps the lost goods of another person in his own possession, the law implies that there is a contract of bailment between the owner and finder of the lost goods. By the law, the finder is treated as the bailee who had agreed to keep the goods of bailor (the person whose good is lost) safely and promised to return back to the owner.

The right and duties of finder of lost good are given below:


i) Right of possession:

A finder of lost goods has the right to keep it in his possession until the true owner is found.


ii) Right of lien:

The finder has the right to keep the goods in his custody until the owner pays the expenses; incurred in keeping them safe, in repairing the goods, and in searching the true owner.


iii) Right to sue for reward:

The finder can sue for any specific reward which the owner has offered for the return of the goods. He/She may also retain the goods until he received such a reward.


iv) Right to sell the goods:

A finder of lost good can sell those goods in the following circumstance:

- If the true owner can not be found.

- If the bailor does not pay the expenses within a reasonable time.

- If the goods naturally decrease or are destroyed within a specific time.

- If the lawful charges of the finder in respect of the goods found to amount to 2/3 of the value of the good.



i) To search the real owner of the goods found.

ii) Not to mix the found goods with other goods.

iii) To return the goods to the real owner after receiving the necessary expenses.

iv) To take care of good and not to make any unauthorized use of such goods.

Finder of Lost Goods | Right and Duties || Short Note Finder of Lost Goods | Right and Duties || Short Note Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on September 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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