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Contract || Short Note

A contract is an agreement enforceable by law. The law of contract is the basis of the business. Every business activity is determined and guided by the agreement of the concerned parties. In fact, the law of contract is concerned with everybody and every aspect of the business to perform any kind of act. And it is concerned with the rights and obligation of the parties entering into it.


According to A.J Salmond: "An agreement creating and defining obligation between two or more parties is a contract.


Supreme court of Nepal: "An agreement of two or more parties with the condition is contract.

In short, the contract includes the following:

- two or more parties

- an agreement on the ground of free consent

- exchange of promise by meeting the minds

- enforceable by law.

In short, the right and liabilities that are created reciprocally between the concerned parties can be called a contract.

Nature of Contract:

A contract is an agreement which is enforceable by the law. The above definition has cleared that an agreement between two or more parties concluded with their consent, creates rights and liabilities between them. Such consent of the parties creates a contract. An agreement is regarded as a contract where there are the main characteristics of a valid contract presented in it. There should be the certain characteristics to be the contract determined by the law.

The nature of law can be discussed in the following grounds:


1) Agreement/ Promissory Nature:

Contract is private legislation, which is formed and binding between the concerned parties on the ground of their agreement. An agreement has two elements one is there should be two parties making an agreement, one can not enter into a contract alone. Another is.....

meeting of minds of concerning parties. An agreement is the outcomes of consenting minds of the parties. The contracting parties must meet their minds as regards the subject matter of the contract, in the same sense, upon the same thing and at the same time.


2) Private legislation:

A contract is a private legislation binding from those parties who are involved in it. When anyone breaches the contract the other party becomes victimize financially. Therefore, the victim party may enforce by the court.

3) Legal Obligation: There must be a legal obligation in an agreement to become a contract. Usually, it is presumed that the parties entering into a commercial agreement intend to create a legal relationship between them. The agreement which does not establish a legal relationship is not contracts.

Contract = legality + Obligation + Business Matter


4) Freedom/ Autonomy of parties:

The parties of the contract must be autonomous to deliver their genuine consent at the time of concluding contracts. It is also known as the freedom of contracts. The concerning parties of the contract should be free to choose the form of contract, its subject, and determine consideration and its extent as well as the term of condition.


5) Purity of Contract:

Sanctiteness is another nature of the contract. The common law system protects contracts from the commission of fraud, misrepresentation, mistake, coercion and undue influence and effort to control the economic exploitations of an employee by the doctrine of restraint of trade.


6) Function of Contract:

Contract is a means for the achievement of the purpose of the parties. The following function are performed by nature through the contract.

- to facilitate forward planning of transactions and to make provision for future contingencies.

- to establish the respective responsibilities of the parties and performance to be expected from them.

- To enable the economic risks involved in the transaction to be allocated in advance between the parties.

- To provide an alternative way or remedy if things go wrong.

- Creation of legal rights to protect their own interest.

Contract || Short Note Contract || Short Note Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on September 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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