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Coercion || Short Note

Define  Coercion

Coercion is the act of forcing or threatening someone to do something against law. It is a threat or force used by one party against another for compelling to enter into an agreement. In such a condition, the consent is not free. NCA states that " When somebody has detained or threatened to detain property or has threatened to commit  any act forbidden by the law for causing any person to enter into a contract against his will, the person is said to have caused coercion." If A compels B to enter into an agreement by causing harm or treating to commit harm as against the life and property of B or his persons or third person. The contract between A and B is caused by coercion.

Coercion || Short Note Coercion || Short Note Reviewed by Bijay Munikar on September 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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